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Newsroom tech for everyone
Deliver news at the speed of light! LettsNews is the new way to gather, publish and distribute news.
Get started for free today.
LettsNews is simple, yet powerful newsroom tech for journalists, content managers and publishers. Gather news (text, photo, video, audio) that gets instantly organised and filtered. Use Content Items as plug and play building blocks to create great Stories filed and shared with your editor and colleagues in real time. Publish when ready and auto-distribute to a host of leading news sites.

How LettsNews Works

Gather news items including notes, images, video and audio and organise your very own digital newsroom.
Build stories from your news items at the click of a button and file great stories on the fly.
Publish and auto-distribute your stories to leading news sites, blogs and social media.

Delivering news at the speed of light

Gather, build, publish, and distribute news stories faster than you thought possible.

Why Use LettsNews

Easy. Our simple, yet powerful software is the quickest way to go from story to earnings.
Spend More Time Gathering and Creating News Stories. Our software will take care of the rest.
Make More Money. LettsNews is not just the best way to gather, publish and distribute news but we are also building a news content marketplace so you can make more money.
Maintain Control. In the age of GenAI it's even harder to ensure your content is protected from theft and reproduction. Our software makes it easy for you to control the authenticity and distribution of your work.

Journalists, Writers and Publishers Love LettsNews

"LettsNews is a great new way to manage and distribute news stories. I love the way you gather Content Items as reusable building blocks. And its auto-distribution is a revelation."
- Kara Cardinale, Writer and Commentator
"LettsNews is our system of choice for news and company comms. It gets us from gathering news, creating stories and distributing in a flash. The Teams function means colleagues and PR's use a single system saving time and money."
- John Watton, CMO LettsGroup
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