How to Set Up Wordpress and Medium Distribution in LettsNews
To set up WordPress and Medium distribution in LettsNews you need to add two pieces of information to enable LettsNews to auto-distribute to your selected medium page or wordpress blog. LettsNews provides distribution to a number of different channels. Soon we will be adding promotion to social media sites as well.
To add distribution channels to LettsNews click Profile in left-side menu, then click the "Distribution Channels" button. In the distribution channels page click the "Add Credential" button to create a new Distribution Channel, or click edit on an existing Distribution Channel to amend it.
In order to set up your WordPress distribution in LettsNews you will need your wordpress username and a valid Application Password. In order to get an Application Password follow these steps:
Go to your website “/wp-admin” page and then go to Users -> Profile and then scroll to the bottom of the page where you should see Application Passwords.
Type in a “New Application Password Name” which will not be needed in LettsNews and is purely for you to be able to follow your Application Passwords in WordPress.
After Typing in the Application Password Name click the “Add New Application Password” button. Doing so will then provide you with a password, which you should copy and record elsewhere, as you will not be able to retrieve it from wordpress again.
In the LettsNews “Edit New Channel” Page you should now add the WordPress Username into the “Site Username” field, and the Application Password into the “Site Password or Token” field and make sure you have selected WordPress in the top dropdown.
In order to set up Medium distribution you need to insert your username and your Integration Token. To get your Integration Token follow these steps:
Go to your medium page and then go to Settings -> Security and apps -> Integration Tokens.
From here you should see your token which you can copy.
In the LettsNews “Edit New Channel” Page insert the Medium Username into the “Site Username” field (including the @ sign), and the Integration Token into the “Site Password or Token” field and make sure you have selected Medium in the top dropdown.
After you have completed the above, save the distribution channel in LettsNews and check the verified field. Check there is a green tick, if there is you have successfully set up your distribution channel(s) and you can automatically distribute your stories through LettsNews' distribution menu.
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